My First Science Unit

Welcome folks to JoJo’s first science unit. The first unit we did in science was investigating light.


Natural Light vs Artificial Light

Natural light is something that makes its own light like the Sun, glow worms, fire flies.

And Artificial light is light that is man made for example light bulb, TV , and computers.

The first project we did was called ray of light.
We had to cut holes in the middle of index cards and on one index card it had a bullseye. They were all lined up and we had to shine a flash light and the flash light had to hit the bullseye. We did this because we wanted to see if light would bend. Another project we did was luminous and non luminous luminous means something that makes its own light. Like this. This is luminous because the sun makes its own light

This is non luminous because the moon does not create its own light it reflects from the sun.


Another project we did was opaque, translucent, and transparent.

this is opaque because you cant see through it.

And this is transparent the one on the right because you can see through it.

And this is translucent because you can kind of see trough it.

clear glass ball on white surface

We also did reflection which means when light reflects like the moon reflects off the sun.

When you shine a flash light at a mirror it will reflect on to an object in front of it.

this is reflecting because the light shines on the puddle which reflects back up.

person standing in front of body of water


The last thing we did was how light travels. Light travels in a strait line except when there’s and object in the, way like a wall the light will now stop it cannot go through the wall, but if there is a mirror the light will bounce off.


Reflections of Learning:

This first science unit was really fun but I’m very excited for our next unit, sound.

I am very looking forward for rocks and mineral, and I hope I can improve on working on experiments. The things that are going well are experiments, tests, and working.


thank you for reading.


2 thoughts on “My First Science Unit

  1. Hi Jojo,

    Wow! You really learned a lot about different types of light. I liked learning how the light of the moon is non-luminous because its light is reflected back from the sun. What type of light is your favourite? I think you are going to enjoy all the experiments you will do this year in Grade 4.
    I am excited to read more of your Science posts this year.
    Mrs. Bennett 🙂

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