Self Directed Science


Hello guys welcome back to another post. Today I will be telling you what we had to do on this project and what I chose to do. The topic for the project was rocks and minerals and we had to make and get info on rocks and minerals. Lets get started with this post.

Being ready to learn

crystals can take up to 3 million years to grow.  Crystals form in nature when molecules gather to stabilize when liquid starts to cool and harden. This process is called crystallization and can happen when magma hardens or when water evaporates from a natural mixture too. Many crystals start small but as more atoms join and create a uniform and repetitive pattern, the crystal grows. Each crystal has there own values and colors that are worth thousands.

Setting Learning Goals

These are my learning goals that helped me finish this project.

Engaging In The Learning Process

I built a paper Mache cave with homemade crystals. I built the base of my cave out of paper Mache and then I painted my cave. Then I had to wait for the paint to dry. Once the paint was dry I added some crystals.

Evaluation Learning

I think this project was amazing and it was so fun to work on this with my friends and teacher to help me. at first it was tough and confusing but then once you get started you start feeling better. I would actually would have made my cave a little bigger and wider but overall it was one of the best projects I have ever done.



Hi guys welcome back to another science unit today we are going to be doing

how light travels. Sound can travel and sound can also reflect (it can bounce off of things).

Sound can be absorbed (it does not bounce off of things). Sound can be modified (you can change the volume). Sound is caused by vibrations, let’s say we were on land when we talk it will take longer to hear because of the vibrations, but when were on water we can hear it faster.

Sound is made of vibrations. Sound is made when we speak or an instrument or anything makes sound.

sound is made of sound waves/vibrations.


how does sound travel.

sound travels in waves like this.

Up and down. The waves can become smaller or bigger depending on the pitch.


For our science project we had to make a model ear out of clay. This one is mine.

and this is what it is supposed to look like.

I think I did ok. I did label them though.

The eardrum picks up the vibrations/sound waves from the sound. when the vibration hits you r eardrum it vibrates. when sound waves travel through the sky or the air your outer ear grabs them. The outer ear helps the sound waves by directing them in your ear and through the ear canal. The ear canal is very narrow compared to the outer ear. The sound waves get caught get pushed up against our eardrum and make it vibrate. When the ear drum vibrates it makes three small bones. These bones are called the auditory bones. These bones send the vibrations to the shell-shaped inner ear called the cochlea.

This are is filled with liquid and thousands of tiny hair. The vibrations make the liquid move and make the hairs move back and forth. Gross right. The hairs are joined to the nerves that send a signal to your brain. Your brain then lets you know what you are hearing. This all happens in less than a second.