gaps in the torah

I think Jacob was feeling a bit guilty about what he had done to his brother even though it was the right thing to do. I also feel like he is a bit scared of what Esav might do to him. Jacob might also feel a bit happy that he got the blessing.


.סֻכּוֹת הוּא חַג שֶׁבּוֹ אָנוּ בּוֹנִים בַּיִת זְמַנִּי שֶׁנִּקְרָא סֻכָּה. יֶשְׁנָם אַרְבָּעָה מִינִים הַנִּקְרָאִים לוּלָב, אֶתְרוֹג, הֲדַס וַעֲרָבָה אֲנַחְנוּ בּוֹנִים הַסֻּכָּה אַחֲרֵי יוֹם כִּפּוּר שָׁם נוֹסְפ לַסֻּכַּוֹת הָיָה וןם האסיפ. אַתָּה צָרִיךְ לָשֶׁבֶת בַּסֻּכָּה